Saturday, January 31, 2009

Barack Obama Promise Tracking

From Todd at Ideapalooza:

I continue to marvel at both the media and pundits discussions regarding the Barack Obama Stimulus Package. They wonder how things like money for the Arts and money towards Pell Grants can have any immediate impact on the ailing economy. What are items like this doing in a stimulus package?

The truth and the facts are that they are not part of the stimulus package. They are part of Mr. Obama’s Promise Keeper Package.

My Barack Obama Promise Tracker file contains 895 campaign promises culled from all of Mr. Obama’s speeches and his Plan for America. This file is downloadable, shareable, contains links to original sources and has a keyword search function.

The current stimulus plan, spun to us as a plan only recently concocted to heal the ailing economy, is a actually a year old plan formerly titled Barack Obama’s Plan for America. This is easily seen in my Barack Obama Promise Tracker.

A full year before the current economic crisis, President Obama published his Plan for America during his campaign run. In this, was a wonderful, wide-eyed, list of spending promises meant to transform America. The economic stimulus plan is this year-old Plan for America, only now it is fully funded under the guise called a stimulus plan.

I hope, wish and beg that the real intent of the stimulus plan is brought to light. That is, this is not a stimulus plan, it is a promise keeper plan. Let’s call it what it really is, I say. No disguises, no spin, real transparency.

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