Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

As my first Father's Day as a father draws to a close, I wanted to share this exhortation to dads from a sermon given by John Piper on Father's Day 1986:
[Children] ought to see in their human father a reflection—albeit imperfect—of the heavenly Father in his strength and tenderness, in his wrath and mercy, in his exaltation and condescension, in his surpassing wisdom and patient guidance. The task of every human father is to be for his children an image of the Father in heaven.
After reading that and thinking of the immense task that lies before me, I could only give thanks to my Heavenly Father for providing an earthly father that was such a reflection for me. So thank you Dad, and thank You, Abba, Father.

(HT: Desiring God Blog)

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